Grant had his two month well baby check up appointment today and everything went well! He is meeting all of his developmental milestones appropriately. He received 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine. He did pretty well. No fussing or crying when his pediatrician was seeing him. In fact, I think he even smiled at him! However, when those mean nurses gave him the shots he let loose in the office!! I don't think I have ever seen or heard my baby cry like that!! It started off with a breath hold, a super red face, and then a screaming cry. Luckily there were two nurses, one for each leg, so it went pretty fast and I was able to hold him right after. He calmed down fairly quickly. In fact, one of the nurses asked, "is that all?" I say they were mean, but we actually LOVE his office staff and think he is an excellent doctor. He has been pretty sleepy this afternoon after his big day.
Grant at 2 months:12 lbs 2 oz
22 3/4 inches
has started to smile and coo
LOVES playing in his crib where he "talks" to his mirrored crib toy and mobile
sleeps avg of 5-7 hours a night....
but is a night owl who doesn't like to go to bed till anywhere from 11 pm to 1 am ( this is espcially challenging to mom who, before baby, was in bed by 9:30 every night!!)
still breastfeeding well; usually every 2 1/2 to sometimes 4 hours during the day
can lift his head up during tummy time
holds his head up pretty well when we are carrying him around the house
loves to stare at lamps and his parent's faces

Peacefully sleeping in his car seat, waiting to go to the doctor. He has no idea of the trauma that awaits him there!! Poor baby!!

Our battle scars!!! I couldn't believe how long those needles were!! Collin said he didn't look when they injected him. I am scarred for life because I did!!!
1 comment:
It was so great seeing y'all today! Grant is so adorable! I love the picture of his "battle scars." It sounds like he was one brave little guy! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
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