One Month
Our baby is now four months old!! Time keeps flying by!! Grant had his 4 month check up on Tuesday and did great. Hardly any crying with the shots he received!! We got the ok to start rice cereal...more details and pics on that later.
Grant at 4 Months:
- Weight=15.2 lbs 50th %tile
- Height=25 1/2 inches 75th %tile
- Sleeps from 8-10 hours at night!
- Some nights I hear him talking and smiling in his bed about 5am. I guess he is in there partying away by himself!
- Likes to take a long morning nap with Mommy in her bed.
- But sometimes just cat naps all day.
- Rolls from his stomach to his back during tummy time.
- Loves to smile and "talk" to mom and dad. Seems like he has found his voice in the past couple of weeks.
- Has laughed a real giggly laugh twice in the last week.
- Likes to Skype his grandparents.
- Can grasp a toy and bring it to his mouth.
- Is wearing some 6 month clothes already!
- Mostly looks like his Daddy, but some people say he has his mom's lips.
- Likes to go for evening walks.
- Has become more interested in his toys.
- We think his eyes are starting to look green, we both have green eyes.
- His hair is brown, blond and red. Looks different in every outfit and in every different light.
- He made his first out of town trip to Longview and did really well. He is a good car rider!! Falls asleep everytime!!
1 comment:
We HAVE to plan a day to get together or he'll be 4 YEARS before I meet him! He is so cute!
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