Lots of pics to share!! I am going to break Christmas down into a couple of posts.
First up, Christmas with my family. We traveled to Longview on the 23rd and came home in the evening on Christmas day. Grant had a great time playing with his only cousin, Peyton and really enjoyed watching and studying all that he did. He loved all of his Santa toys but took some time warming up on his new toddler 4-wheeler riding toy. Of course now he is a pro at it and can even steer it! He is a real wild child going a max of 1 mph down the street!
Boxes make the best toy!
Matching PJs for the cousins!
One of my fav pics of the two of them! You can see Peyton pointing to show grant where to look and smile.
Can you find the cousins in all these presents!!??
Santa came!!
Poppa helping Grant out on the new 4 wheeler or “tractor” as he called it.
Being silly with a pillow.
Grant’s great-grandmother. He calls her Dee.
Christmas muffins
Playing blocks with Dee
I love this pic too. I am getting some sweet sugars on the back of his neck and his smile is priceless!

These pics crack me up! Left: Grant fell asleep at the table during Christmas lunch. He has never done that before so I was glad to be able to witness that along with my family. Right: After he was good asleep, we put him in Poppa’s lap and they napped in the chair for about an hour and a half.
We had a wonderful time in Longview and enjoyed spending time with family!