In mid July, we met my family in Galveston for a week at the beach. My parents rented a beach house on the west end of Galveston. We were so excited because it was Grant’s first time to see the ocean.
As you can see, he had a great time!
Here are his first steps on the sand. The minute I put him down on the sand he stopped in his tracks and looked up at me like, “What is this I’m stepping on!!??”
Inspector Grant on the watch for tar balls!!
No, we didn’t see any.
He loved playing with cousin Peyton!
Here are the grandkids with their beautiful Nanie!

My dad spent an hour or more reeling in this fish!! Too bad it wasn’t one that we could eat because we could have had a feast!! You can see Grant wasn’t too thrilled to be next to it!!

Here is Collin pretending he caught the fish!! I’m sure he was snoozing while my dad was fighting this monster!! The guys would get up around 5 to fish every morning! Collin did go fishing all but one morning, but he didn’t catch anything that was big enough to keep.

The above two pics were at Moody Gardens aquarium. Collin and Grant are in the shark cage!!

We celebrated my grandmother’s 80th birthday while we were there.

The two blankie boys.

Grant was super tired after a great family vacation!! We had a wonderful time Mom and Dad!!